Tourist Offices

At Lolland-Falster there are good opportunities to get inspiration for your next experience - or get help if you have a question. In the larger cities there is tourist information, while in the smaller cities there are info cafes.

Nakskov Tourist Information
Photo: VLF

Nakskov Tourist Information

Learn more about the many exciting experiences Lolland-Falster has to offer at Det Gamle Apotek on Axeltorv in Nakskov.

Museum Obscurum Information Point
Photo: Museum Lolland-Falster

Museum Obscurum Information Point

The staff at Museum Obscurum in Nykøbing F. are ready to guide you to your next experience on Lolland-Falster.

Marielyst Tourist Information
Photo: Visit Lolland-Falster

Marielyst Tourist Information

Get inspiration and guidance for your experiences on Lolland-Falster.

Nysted Gaardbutik
Photo: Marianne Sahl Christiansen

Nysted Gaardbutik

Visit Nysted Gaardbutik, which invites you into a world of local produce.


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