Fejø Mill
Fejø Mill is one of the cosiest tourist attractions on the small island, so if you're visiting Fejø and it's open, you should definitely stop by! Here you can eat the famous layer cake in the café or bring your own lunch, and the shop sells various specialities produced on Fejø.
Fejø Mølle is a fully functional mill and the gathering place on the island. On special occasions, the blades are set in motion by the cranks, who also take care to tilt the mill in stormy weather to prevent damage.
The windmill is open on selected days during the summer period and has a number of free events with music and singing throughout the season. Annual celebrations include Danish Mill Day, the mill's birthday, Apple Day and usually a cosy Christmas event.
If you are a larger group, you can book a visit with coffee and cake outside normal opening hours. Keep an eye on the website and social media for opening hours and events, as well as contact numbers for special visitor appointments.