Juels Brewery
The microbrewery Juels Brewery brews and sells all year round.
Juel’s Brewery is a hand brewery that was founded in 2017 by the Juel family after several years of experimentation. The brewery, located on the idyllic Karlebygård, is state-of-the-art and produces about 600 liters of beer at a time.
Juels Brewery would like to show the brewery to guests, but it is important to make an appointment so there is time and capacity for the customer. Here, you will get the history of the brewery and taste samples of the delicious beer. Book a time here.
The brewing method means that the beer retains many flavors and aromas, as the brew is not filtered and pasteurized. When bottling at Juel’s Brewery, the beer is a living product that matures in the bottle. The maturation time depends on the type of beer being brewed, and the most notable aspect is that the aroma of hops, spicy taste, and bitterness diminish over time. Beers with a large amount of alcohol often become more harmonious and port-like with longer maturation – similar to good wine. Additionally, the unfiltered beer looks a bit more cloudy when poured into a glass, and bottle-matured beers develop a small layer of sediment in the bottle. Therefore, it is also recommended to transport and store the bottles upright, if possible.
The brewery is located in Øster Karleby - about 5 km northeast of Nakskov, where you can also shop in the local store or directly on their webshop.
As said, Juels Brewery is a family brewery, which is still very relevant today, consisting of Jesper Juel Saxtfjed, brewer, Henning Juel, assistant brewmaster, Mette Friis Juel, sales and marketing manager, Anni Juel, "handy pig", Gert Juel, technical assistant, and Stine Juel Saxfjed, salesperson.