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The Nature School

The Nature School - 'Naturskolen'

The Nature School's unique location right on the shore of Maribo Søndersø opens many opportunities for exciting countryside experiences. With over 8 hectares of publicly accessible land owned by the Municipality of Lolland, it is one of the few places in the Nature Reserve where one can get close to the lake. Accommodation facilities make it possible for schools and other groups to experience Naturpark Maribosøernes (Nature Reserve Maribo lakes) natural and cultural history more intensely for a longer period.

Who can use the school

The Nature School can be used by schools to move teaching directly out into the countryside and expand opportunities for teaching biology, natural and environmental issues. The place is suitable for shorter or longer school camps, where the class, in addition to the academic content, may also strengthen social cohesion. The main target group for teaching at the school are especially children in primary education. Then follows Day Care Institutions, secondary schools and the area of adult education.

Tuition by Nature Guide

Maribo Lakes Nature Park has its own Nature Guide, who offers classes at the Nature School for schools and other educational institutions, as part of the overall cost.

The Nature School and surrounding land is owned by the Municipality of Lolland, which is responsible for the management of buildings and land, and takes care of accommodation and teaching.



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