Saksfjed-Hyllekrog – Nature Area
Discover the vast nature reserve with wild horses, thousands of migrating birds of prey and stunning views from the top of the lighthouse.
Saksfjed-Hyllekrog is one of Denmark's most important autumn migration sites for birds of prey and a wetland of international importance for waterbirds. Besides the interesting birdlife, the area also offers wild horses, cattle, fallow deer and interesting flora and fauna.
Hyllekrog Lighthouse
Get a magnificent view of the area from Hyllekrog Lighthouse, where you can look for birds and seals. Access to the lighthouse, located at the end of the Hyllekrog pike, is free.
Note! In the interests of breeding birds, access to Hyllekrog is prohibited from 1 March to 15 July.
Grab your hiking boots
Go hiking in the very varied nature with forest, scrubland, beach meadows, dunes and open coast. Or discover the nature reserve on various guided tours, e.g. bird of prey tours with nature guides.
Find the area's routes in the Naturlandet app.
Famous sea eagles
The area has been visited by several sea eagles for a number of years and is now particularly well known for the sea eagle pair, which can be followed via webcam during the breeding season from early spring through summer to autumn when the chicks leave the nest.
Summer cottages at Brunddragene
Behind the dike are a number of small primitive cottages, the first of which were built from recycled materials such as Ford car shipping crates. They were built around 1930 and listed in 1974.
Find inspiration for more unique nature experiences on the South Sea islands here.